Structures of Plastic Composite Materials

With the surge of urban population, the construction of urban environment has attracted more and more attention from all walks of life.

It is now generally believed that the most advanced urban construction concept is greening construction, that is, the integration of urban construction and nature. Therefore, using plastic-wood composite materials to decorate the green plants in the city will show a very good effect. The initial urban greening was done with limestone, ceramic tiles and other materials, with a strong industrial color. Starting from the color of plastic wood materials, the colors of plants vary widely, so materials of different colors are needed to match. For example, darker flowers and plants can be set off with light-colored wood-plastic panels; while lighter-colored chrysanthemums can be decorated with plastic wood lines such as chocolate color and coffee color.

From the application of the combination of composite materials, the effect achieved by the connection of different materials is also different. For example, the semi-closed fence allows sunlight and branches to pass through easily. On the one hand, the novel shape softens the rigid environment; on the other hand, the permeability makes the air more playful.

BODA Composite Fencing Systems